IT Japan

DB 작업 메모 본문


DB 작업 메모

swhwang 2016. 5. 30. 14:23

(data 디렉토리를 삭제)

/usr/local/postgresql/bin/initdb --pgdata=/usr/local/postgresql/data

cp -p /usr/local/postgresql/conf/*.conf /usr/local/postgresql/data/

/etc/rc.d/init.d/gp_postgres start

vi /usr/local/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
(아카이브 로그 뱉지 않도록한다)


/usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -l

/usr/local/postgresql/bin/createuser -h localhost -p 5432 -a -d -U postgres interdev

/usr/local/postgresql/bin/createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -O interdev  -U postgres -E UTF8 atgames07

/usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -l


cd /mnt/xfs/dump
date  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
time env PGOPTIONS="-c statement_timeout=0" /usr/local/postgresql/bin/pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -Fc atgames07 -f /mnt/xfs/dump/atgames07.20101116_bksvr.dat >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
date  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
time env PGOPTIONS="-c statement_timeout=0" /usr/local/postgresql-9.0.1/bin/pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U interdev -d atgames07 /mnt/xfs/dump/atgames07.20101116_bksvr.dat >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
date  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
sleep 5;
/usr/local/postgresql-9.0.1/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c "select pg_switch_xlog();"  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
sleep 5;
/usr/local/postgresql-9.0.1/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c "select pg_start_backup('for replication');"  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
sleep 5;
#cd /usr/local/postgresql
cd /mnt/xfs
date  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
sleep 5;
time tar czf data_`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz data  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
sleep 5;
/usr/local/postgresql-9.0.1/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c "select pg_stop_backup();" >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1
sleep 5;
date  >>/home/interdev/obatemp/db_restore.log 2>&1 

(데이터 전송)
슬레이브에 전송
time ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 rsync --bwlimit=61440 --progress /mnt/xfs/data_`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz interdev@

슬레이브 측에 전개

cd /mnt/xfs
time tar xzf /mnt/xfs/dump/data_`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz

cat /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

cat /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

cat /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

(슬레이브의 설정)

rm -rf /usr/local/postgresql/data/pg_xlog
mkdir -p /usr/local/postgresql/data/pg_xlog/archive_status/
rm /usr/local/postgresql/data/

#cd /usr/local/postgresql/data
#tar xzf /usr/local/postgresql/gp_db42_conf.tar.gz

cp -p /usr/local/postgresql/conf/*.conf /usr/local/postgresql/data/

(ip 어드레스의 전환)

ip addr show dev eth0

ip addr del dev eth0
#ip addr del dev eth0

ip addr add brd dev eth0 label eth0:0
ip addr add brd dev eth0 label eth0:0


(데이터의 검증)

/usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U interdev atgames07
(1103 rows) ・・・テーブル数db33

time env PGOPTIONS="-c statement_timeout=0" /usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U interdev atgames07 -q -f replace_check.sql -o check_count_before.log

time env PGOPTIONS="-c statement_timeout=0" /usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U interdev atgames07 -q -f replace_check.sql -o check_count_after_db41.log
time env PGOPTIONS="-c statement_timeout=0" /usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U interdev atgames07 -q -f replace_check.sql -o check_count_after_db42.log

(1103 rows) ・・・db41

[interdev@gp_db41 ~]$ /usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h -U interdev atgames07
psql (9.0.1)
Type "help" for help.

atgames07=# \d t_clothes_own_history
           Table "public.t_clothes_own_history"
     Column     |            Type             | Modifiers
own_date       | timestamp without time zone |
account_id     | integer                     |
serial_id      | bigint                      |
clothes_id     | integer                     |
move_flg       | integer                     |
reason         | integer                     |
rel_account_id | integer                     |
rel_serial_id  | bigint                      |
subcode1       | integer                     |
    "t_clothes_own_history_idx01" btree (serial_id)
    "t_clothes_own_history_idx03" btree (account_id)

atgames07=# select max(own_date) from t_clothes_own_history;
2010-11-16 07:41:21.319
(1 row)

atgames07=# \q
[interdev@gp_db41 ~]$ /usr/local/postgresql/bin/psql -h -U interdev atgames07
psql (9.0.1)
Type "help" for help.

atgames07=# select max(own_date) from t_clothes_own_history;
2010-11-16 07:41:21.319
(1 row)



psql -h localhost -p 9907 -U interdev atgames07 -l
/usr/local/pgpool2/bin/pgpool -f /usr/local/pgpool2/etc7/pgpool.conf -m fast stop
sleep 1
/usr/local/pgpool2/bin/pgpool -n -f /usr/local/pgpool2/etc7/pgpool.conf -F /usr/local/pgpool2/etc7/pcp.conf 2>&1 | logger -t pgpool7 -p &
sleep 1
psql -h localhost -p 9907 -U interdev atgames07

도메인과 서버를 이동하므로
http://www.atgameslab.com의 어드레스는

이동처의 가상 어드레스

atgames07=# \d
                      List of relations
Schema |             Name              |   Type   |  Owner
public | account_tmp                   | table    | interdev
public | auction_id_seq                | sequence | interdev
public | clothes_id_seq                | sequence | interdev
public | cx_serial_num_code_seq        | sequence | interdev
public | cx_serial_num_item_code_seq   | sequence | interdev
public | fishing_serial_id_seq         | sequence | interdev
public | furniture_id_seq              | sequence | interdev
public | hoge                          | table    | interdev
public | m_auction_lock_auction_id_seq | table    | interdev
public | m_auction_manage              | table    | interdev
public | m_auction_not_use_clothes     | table    | interdev
public | m_auction_not_use_furniture   | table    | interdev
public | m_auction_not_use_pet_clothes | table    | interdev
public | m_cafesta_ticket              | table    | interdev
public | m_closet_item_stop            | table    | interdev
public | m_clothes                     | table    | interdev
public | m_fortune_slip_item           | table    | interdev
public | m_furniture                   | table    | interdev
public | m_furniture_corner            | table    | interdev
public | m_initial_clothes             | table    | interdev
public | m_initial_clothes_easy        | table    | interdev
public | m_initial_furniture           | table    | interdev
public | m_initial_furniture_easy      | table    | interdev
public | m_item_stop                   | table    | interdev
public | m_mobile_shop_item            | table    | interdev
public | m_mobile_shop_set             | table    | interdev
public | m_pack                        | table    | interdev
public | m_pack_item                   | table    | interdev
public | m_pet_base                    | table    | interdev
public | m_pet_item                    | table    | interdev
public | m_premier_distribution_item   | table    | interdev
public | m_regist_present_cloth        | table    | interdev
public | m_set_sales                   | table    | interdev
public | m_shop                        | table    | interdev
public | m_shop_item                   | table    | interdev
public | m_swap_stop                   | table    | interdev
public | m_synthetic                   | table    | interdev
public | m_synthetic_probability       | table    | interdev
public | m_trade_item_manage           | table    | interdev
public | m_trade_item_manage_bak       | table    | interdev
public | m_turi_bait_parameter         | table    | interdev
public | m_turi_item                   | table    | interdev
public | m_turi_item_trade             | table    | interdev
public | m_turi_rod_parameter          | table    | interdev
public | m_voice                       | table    | interdev
public | pet_clothes_serial_id_seq     | sequence | interdev
public | pet_serial_id_seq             | sequence | interdev
public | present_id_seq                | sequence | interdev
public | synthetic_history_id_seq      | sequence | interdev
public | t_auction_exhibit             | table    | interdev
public | t_auction_item                | table    | interdev
public | t_auction_log_bidin           | table    | interdev
public | t_auction_log_cancel          | table    | interdev
public | t_auction_log_end             | table    | interdev
public | t_auction_log_exhibit         | table    | interdev
public | t_base_gacha                  | table    | interdev
public | t_base_item                   | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_0            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_1            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_10           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_11           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_12           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_13           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_14           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_15           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_16           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_17           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_18           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_19           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_2            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_20           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_21           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_22           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_23           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_24           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_25           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_26           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_27           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_28           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_29           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_3            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_30           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_31           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_32           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_33           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_34           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_35           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_36           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_37           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_38           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_39           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_4            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_40           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_41           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_42           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_43           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_44           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_45           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_46           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_47           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_48           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_49           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_5            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_50           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_51           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_52           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_53           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_54           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_55           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_56           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_57           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_58           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_59           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_6            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_60           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_61           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_62           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_63           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_64           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_65           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_66           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_67           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_68           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_69           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_7            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_70           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_71           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_72           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_73           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_74           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_75           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_76           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_77           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_78           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_79           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_8            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_80           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_81           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_82           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_83           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_84           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_85           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_86           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_87           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_88           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_89           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_9            | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_90           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_91           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_92           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_93           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_94           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_95           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_96           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_97           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_98           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_folder_99           | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_id_seq              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_0               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_1               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_10              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_11              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_12              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_13              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_14              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_15              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_16              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_17              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_18              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_19              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_2               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_20              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_21              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_22              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_23              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_24              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_25              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_26              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_27              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_28              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_29              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_3               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_30              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_31              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_32              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_33              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_34              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_35              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_36              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_37              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_38              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_39              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_4               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_40              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_41              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_42              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_43              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_44              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_45              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_46              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_47              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_48              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_49              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_5               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_50              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_51              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_52              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_53              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_54              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_55              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_56              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_57              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_58              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_59              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_6               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_60              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_61              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_62              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_63              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_64              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_65              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_66              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_67              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_68              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_69              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_7               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_70              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_71              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_72              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_73              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_74              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_75              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_76              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_77              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_78              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_79              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_8               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_80              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_81              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_82              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_83              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_84              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_85              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_86              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_87              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_88              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_89              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_9               | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_90              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_91              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_92              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_93              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_94              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_95              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_96              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_97              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_98              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_99              | table    | interdev
public | t_clothes_own_history         | table    | interdev
public | t_create_user_inspection      | table    | interdev
public | t_cx_serial_num_code_seq      | table    | interdev
public | t_cx_serial_num_item_code_seq | table    | interdev
public | t_equip                       | table    | interdev
public | t_fishing_serial_id_seq       | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_id_seq            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_0             | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_1             | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_10            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_11            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_12            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_13            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_14            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_15            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_16            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_17            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_18            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_19            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_2             | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_20            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_21            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_22            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_23            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_24            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_25            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_26            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_27            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_28            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_29            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_3             | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_30            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_31            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_32            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_33            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_34            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_35            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_36            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_37            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_41            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_42            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_43            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_44            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_45            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_46            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_49            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_52            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_54            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_55            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_57            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_59            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_65            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_66            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_69            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_80            | table    | interdev
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public | t_furniture_own_95            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_96            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_97            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_98            | table    | interdev
public | t_furniture_own_99            | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_11                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_12                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_13                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_14                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_16                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_17                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_18                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_19                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_20                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_21                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_22                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_23                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_24                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_25                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_26                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_27                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_28                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_29                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_31                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_32                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_33                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_34                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_35                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_36                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_37                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_38                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_39                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_41                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_42                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_43                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_44                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_45                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_46                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_47                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_48                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_49                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_51                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_53                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_54                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_55                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_56                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_57                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_58                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_59                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_60                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_61                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_62                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_63                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_64                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_65                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_66                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_67                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_68                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_69                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_70                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_71                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_72                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_73                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_74                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_75                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_76                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_77                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_79                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_81                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_82                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_83                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_84                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_85                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_86                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_87                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_88                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_89                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_item_own_90                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_91                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_92                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_93                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_94                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_95                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_96                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_97                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_98                 | table    | interdev
public | t_item_own_99                 | table    | interdev
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public | t_pet_week_status             | table    | interdev
public | t_present_id_seq              | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_1      | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_12     | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_15     | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_18     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_19     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_2      | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_20     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_21     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_22     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_23     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_24     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_25     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_26     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_27     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_28     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_29     | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_30     | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_32     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_33     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_34     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_35     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_36     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_37     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_38     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_39     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_4      | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_40     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_41     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_42     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_43     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_44     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_45     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_46     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_47     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_48     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_49     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_5      | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_55     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_56     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_57     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_58     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_59     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_6      | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_60     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_61     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_62     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_63     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_64     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_65     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_66     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_67     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_68     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_69     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_7      | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_70     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_71     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_72     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_73     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_74     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_75     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_76     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_77     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_78     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_79     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_8      | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_80     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_81     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_82     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_83     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_84     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_85     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_86     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_87     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_88     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_89     | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_receive_list_90     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_91     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_92     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_93     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_94     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_95     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_96     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_97     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_98     | table    | interdev
public | t_present_receive_list_99     | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_send_list_1         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_10        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_11        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_12        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_13        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_14        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_15        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_16        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_17        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_18        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_19        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_2         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_20        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_21        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_22        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_23        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_24        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_25        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_26        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_27        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_28        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_29        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_3         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_30        | table    | interdev
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public | t_present_send_list_32        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_33        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_34        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_35        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_36        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_37        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_38        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_39        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_4         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_40        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_41        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_42        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_43        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_44        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_45        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_46        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_47        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_48        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_49        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_5         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_50        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_51        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_52        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_53        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_54        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_55        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_56        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_57        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_58        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_59        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_6         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_60        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_61        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_62        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_63        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_64        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_65        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_66        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_67        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_68        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_69        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_7         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_70        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_71        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_72        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_73        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_74        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_75        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_76        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_77        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_78        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_79        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_8         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_80        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_81        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_82        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_83        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_84        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_85        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_86        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_87        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_88        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_89        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_9         | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_90        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_91        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_92        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_93        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_94        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_95        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_96        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_97        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_98        | table    | interdev
public | t_present_send_list_99        | table    | interdev
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public | t_sales_furniture_history     | table    | interdev
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public | t_selling_selpit_ranking      | table    | interdev
public | t_shop_purchase_num           | table    | interdev
public | t_synthetic_history           | table    | interdev
public | t_synthetic_history_id_seq    | table    | interdev
public | t_synthetic_result            | table    | interdev
public | t_temp_gacha_clothes          | table    | interdev
public | t_temp_three_login            | table    | interdev
public | t_test_account                | table    | interdev
public | t_turi_item_own               | table    | interdev
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public | t_user_voice_12               | table    | interdev
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public | t_user_voice_combine_97       | table    | interdev
public | t_user_voice_combine_98       | table    | interdev
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public | t_wish_list_96                | table    | interdev
public | t_wish_list_97                | table    | interdev
public | t_wish_list_98                | table    | interdev
public | t_wish_list_99                | table    | interdev
public | tmp_rec_count                 | table    | interdev
public | tmp_rec_n_count               | table    | interdev
public | turi_item_trade_serial_id_seq | sequence | interdev
public | user_voice_id_seq             | sequence | interdev
public | view_turi_item_trade          | view     | interdev
public | voice_id_seq                  | sequence | interdev
(1103 rows)


select 'account_tmp'                    ,count(*) from account_tmp                   ;
select 'hoge'                           ,count(*) from hoge                          ;
select 'm_auction_lock_auction_id_seq'  ,count(*) from m_auction_lock_auction_id_seq ;
select 'm_auction_manage'               ,count(*) from m_auction_manage              ;
select 'm_auction_not_use_clothes'      ,count(*) from m_auction_not_use_clothes     ;
select 'm_auction_not_use_furniture'    ,count(*) from m_auction_not_use_furniture   ;
select 'm_auction_not_use_pet_clothes'  ,count(*) from m_auction_not_use_pet_clothes ;
select 'm_cafesta_ticket'               ,count(*) from m_cafesta_ticket              ;
select 'm_closet_item_stop'             ,count(*) from m_closet_item_stop            ;
select 'm_clothes'                      ,count(*) from m_clothes                     ;
select 'm_fortune_slip_item'            ,count(*) from m_fortune_slip_item           ;
select 'm_furniture'                    ,count(*) from m_furniture                   ;
select 'm_furniture_corner'             ,count(*) from m_furniture_corner            ;
select 'm_initial_clothes'              ,count(*) from m_initial_clothes             ;
select 'm_initial_clothes_easy'         ,count(*) from m_initial_clothes_easy        ;
select 'm_initial_furniture'            ,count(*) from m_initial_furniture           ;
select 'm_initial_furniture_easy'       ,count(*) from m_initial_furniture_easy      ;
select 'm_item_stop'                    ,count(*) from m_item_stop                   ;
select 'm_mobile_shop_item'             ,count(*) from m_mobile_shop_item            ;
select 'm_mobile_shop_set'              ,count(*) from m_mobile_shop_set             ;
select 'm_pack'                         ,count(*) from m_pack                        ;
select 'm_pack_item'                    ,count(*) from m_pack_item                   ;
select 'm_pet_base'                     ,count(*) from m_pet_base                    ;
select 'm_pet_item'                     ,count(*) from m_pet_item                    ;
select 'm_premier_distribution_item'    ,count(*) from m_premier_distribution_item   ;
select 'm_regist_present_cloth'         ,count(*) from m_regist_present_cloth        ;
select 'm_set_sales'                    ,count(*) from m_set_sales                   ;
select 'm_shop'                         ,count(*) from m_shop                        ;
select 'm_shop_item'                    ,count(*) from m_shop_item                   ;
select 'm_swap_stop'                    ,count(*) from m_swap_stop                   ;
select 'm_synthetic'                    ,count(*) from m_synthetic                   ;
select 'm_synthetic_probability'        ,count(*) from m_synthetic_probability       ;
select 'm_trade_item_manage'            ,count(*) from m_trade_item_manage           ;
select 'm_trade_item_manage_bak'        ,count(*) from m_trade_item_manage_bak       ;
select 'm_turi_bait_parameter'          ,count(*) from m_turi_bait_parameter         ;
select 'm_turi_item'                    ,count(*) from m_turi_item                   ;
select 'm_turi_item_trade'              ,count(*) from m_turi_item_trade             ;
select 'm_turi_rod_parameter'           ,count(*) from m_turi_rod_parameter          ;
select 'm_voice'                        ,count(*) from m_voice                       ;
select 't_auction_exhibit'              ,count(*) from t_auction_exhibit             ;
select 't_auction_item'                 ,count(*) from t_auction_item                ;
select 't_auction_log_bidin'            ,count(*) from t_auction_log_bidin           ;
select 't_auction_log_cancel'           ,count(*) from t_auction_log_cancel          ;
select 't_auction_log_end'              ,count(*) from t_auction_log_end             ;
select 't_auction_log_exhibit'          ,count(*) from t_auction_log_exhibit         ;
select 't_base_gacha'                   ,count(*) from t_base_gacha                  ;
select 't_base_item'                    ,count(*) from t_base_item                   ;
select 't_clothes_folder_0'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_0            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_1'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_1            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_10'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_10           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_11'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_11           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_12'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_12           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_13'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_13           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_14'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_14           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_15'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_15           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_16'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_16           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_17'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_17           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_18'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_18           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_19'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_19           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_2'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_2            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_20'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_20           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_21'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_21           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_22'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_22           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_23'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_23           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_24'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_24           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_25'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_25           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_26'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_26           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_27'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_27           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_28'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_28           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_29'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_29           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_3'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_3            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_30'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_30           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_31'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_31           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_32'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_32           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_33'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_33           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_34'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_34           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_35'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_35           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_36'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_36           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_37'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_37           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_38'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_38           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_39'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_39           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_4'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_4            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_40'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_40           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_41'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_41           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_42'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_42           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_43'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_43           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_44'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_44           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_45'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_45           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_46'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_46           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_47'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_47           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_48'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_48           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_49'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_49           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_5'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_5            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_50'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_50           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_51'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_51           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_52'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_52           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_53'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_53           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_54'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_54           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_55'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_55           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_56'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_56           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_57'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_57           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_58'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_58           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_59'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_59           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_6'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_6            ;
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select 't_clothes_folder_61'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_61           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_62'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_62           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_63'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_63           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_64'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_64           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_65'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_65           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_66'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_66           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_67'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_67           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_68'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_68           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_69'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_69           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_7'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_7            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_70'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_70           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_71'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_71           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_72'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_72           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_73'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_73           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_74'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_74           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_75'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_75           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_76'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_76           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_77'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_77           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_78'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_78           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_79'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_79           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_8'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_8            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_80'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_80           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_81'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_81           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_82'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_82           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_83'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_83           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_84'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_84           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_85'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_85           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_86'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_86           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_87'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_87           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_88'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_88           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_89'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_89           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_9'             ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_9            ;
select 't_clothes_folder_90'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_90           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_91'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_91           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_92'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_92           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_93'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_93           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_94'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_94           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_95'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_95           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_96'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_96           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_97'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_97           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_98'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_98           ;
select 't_clothes_folder_99'            ,count(*) from t_clothes_folder_99           ;
select 't_clothes_id_seq'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_id_seq              ;
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select 't_clothes_own_1'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_1               ;
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select 't_clothes_own_11'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_11              ;
select 't_clothes_own_12'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_12              ;
select 't_clothes_own_13'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_13              ;
select 't_clothes_own_14'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_14              ;
select 't_clothes_own_15'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_15              ;
select 't_clothes_own_16'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_16              ;
select 't_clothes_own_17'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_17              ;
select 't_clothes_own_18'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_18              ;
select 't_clothes_own_19'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_19              ;
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select 't_clothes_own_20'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_20              ;
select 't_clothes_own_21'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_21              ;
select 't_clothes_own_22'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_22              ;
select 't_clothes_own_23'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_23              ;
select 't_clothes_own_24'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_24              ;
select 't_clothes_own_25'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_25              ;
select 't_clothes_own_26'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_26              ;
select 't_clothes_own_27'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_27              ;
select 't_clothes_own_28'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_28              ;
select 't_clothes_own_29'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_29              ;
select 't_clothes_own_3'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_3               ;
select 't_clothes_own_30'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_30              ;
select 't_clothes_own_31'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_31              ;
select 't_clothes_own_32'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_32              ;
select 't_clothes_own_33'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_33              ;
select 't_clothes_own_34'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_34              ;
select 't_clothes_own_35'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_35              ;
select 't_clothes_own_36'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_36              ;
select 't_clothes_own_37'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_37              ;
select 't_clothes_own_38'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_38              ;
select 't_clothes_own_39'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_39              ;
select 't_clothes_own_4'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_4               ;
select 't_clothes_own_40'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_40              ;
select 't_clothes_own_41'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_41              ;
select 't_clothes_own_42'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_42              ;
select 't_clothes_own_43'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_43              ;
select 't_clothes_own_44'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_44              ;
select 't_clothes_own_45'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_45              ;
select 't_clothes_own_46'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_46              ;
select 't_clothes_own_47'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_47              ;
select 't_clothes_own_48'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_48              ;
select 't_clothes_own_49'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_49              ;
select 't_clothes_own_5'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_5               ;
select 't_clothes_own_50'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_50              ;
select 't_clothes_own_51'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_51              ;
select 't_clothes_own_52'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_52              ;
select 't_clothes_own_53'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_53              ;
select 't_clothes_own_54'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_54              ;
select 't_clothes_own_55'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_55              ;
select 't_clothes_own_56'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_56              ;
select 't_clothes_own_57'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_57              ;
select 't_clothes_own_58'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_58              ;
select 't_clothes_own_59'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_59              ;
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select 't_clothes_own_60'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_60              ;
select 't_clothes_own_61'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_61              ;
select 't_clothes_own_62'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_62              ;
select 't_clothes_own_63'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_63              ;
select 't_clothes_own_64'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_64              ;
select 't_clothes_own_65'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_65              ;
select 't_clothes_own_66'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_66              ;
select 't_clothes_own_67'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_67              ;
select 't_clothes_own_68'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_68              ;
select 't_clothes_own_69'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_69              ;
select 't_clothes_own_7'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_7               ;
select 't_clothes_own_70'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_70              ;
select 't_clothes_own_71'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_71              ;
select 't_clothes_own_72'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_72              ;
select 't_clothes_own_73'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_73              ;
select 't_clothes_own_74'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_74              ;
select 't_clothes_own_75'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_75              ;
select 't_clothes_own_76'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_76              ;
select 't_clothes_own_77'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_77              ;
select 't_clothes_own_78'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_78              ;
select 't_clothes_own_79'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_79              ;
select 't_clothes_own_8'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_8               ;
select 't_clothes_own_80'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_80              ;
select 't_clothes_own_81'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_81              ;
select 't_clothes_own_82'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_82              ;
select 't_clothes_own_83'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_83              ;
select 't_clothes_own_84'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_84              ;
select 't_clothes_own_85'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_85              ;
select 't_clothes_own_86'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_86              ;
select 't_clothes_own_87'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_87              ;
select 't_clothes_own_88'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_88              ;
select 't_clothes_own_89'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_89              ;
select 't_clothes_own_9'                ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_9               ;
select 't_clothes_own_90'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_90              ;
select 't_clothes_own_91'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_91              ;
select 't_clothes_own_92'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_92              ;
select 't_clothes_own_93'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_93              ;
select 't_clothes_own_94'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_94              ;
select 't_clothes_own_95'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_95              ;
select 't_clothes_own_96'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_96              ;
select 't_clothes_own_97'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_97              ;
select 't_clothes_own_98'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_98              ;
select 't_clothes_own_99'               ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_99              ;
select 't_clothes_own_history'          ,count(*) from t_clothes_own_history         ;
select 't_create_user_inspection'       ,count(*) from t_create_user_inspection      ;
select 't_cx_serial_num_code_seq'       ,count(*) from t_cx_serial_num_code_seq      ;
select 't_cx_serial_num_item_code_seq'  ,count(*) from t_cx_serial_num_item_code_seq ;
select 't_equip'                        ,count(*) from t_equip                       ;
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select 't_wish_list_47'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_47                ;
select 't_wish_list_48'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_48                ;
select 't_wish_list_49'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_49                ;
select 't_wish_list_5'                  ,count(*) from t_wish_list_5                 ;
select 't_wish_list_50'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_50                ;
select 't_wish_list_51'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_51                ;
select 't_wish_list_52'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_52                ;
select 't_wish_list_53'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_53                ;
select 't_wish_list_54'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_54                ;
select 't_wish_list_55'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_55                ;
select 't_wish_list_56'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_56                ;
select 't_wish_list_57'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_57                ;
select 't_wish_list_58'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_58                ;
select 't_wish_list_59'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_59                ;
select 't_wish_list_6'                  ,count(*) from t_wish_list_6                 ;
select 't_wish_list_60'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_60                ;
select 't_wish_list_61'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_61                ;
select 't_wish_list_62'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_62                ;
select 't_wish_list_63'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_63                ;
select 't_wish_list_64'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_64                ;
select 't_wish_list_65'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_65                ;
select 't_wish_list_66'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_66                ;
select 't_wish_list_67'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_67                ;
select 't_wish_list_68'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_68                ;
select 't_wish_list_69'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_69                ;
select 't_wish_list_7'                  ,count(*) from t_wish_list_7                 ;
select 't_wish_list_70'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_70                ;
select 't_wish_list_71'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_71                ;
select 't_wish_list_72'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_72                ;
select 't_wish_list_73'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_73                ;
select 't_wish_list_74'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_74                ;
select 't_wish_list_75'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_75                ;
select 't_wish_list_76'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_76                ;
select 't_wish_list_77'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_77                ;
select 't_wish_list_78'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_78                ;
select 't_wish_list_79'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_79                ;
select 't_wish_list_8'                  ,count(*) from t_wish_list_8                 ;
select 't_wish_list_80'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_80                ;
select 't_wish_list_81'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_81                ;
select 't_wish_list_82'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_82                ;
select 't_wish_list_83'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_83                ;
select 't_wish_list_84'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_84                ;
select 't_wish_list_85'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_85                ;
select 't_wish_list_86'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_86                ;
select 't_wish_list_87'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_87                ;
select 't_wish_list_88'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_88                ;
select 't_wish_list_89'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_89                ;
select 't_wish_list_9'                  ,count(*) from t_wish_list_9                 ;
select 't_wish_list_90'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_90                ;
select 't_wish_list_91'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_91                ;
select 't_wish_list_92'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_92                ;
select 't_wish_list_93'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_93                ;
select 't_wish_list_94'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_94                ;
select 't_wish_list_95'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_95                ;
select 't_wish_list_96'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_96                ;
select 't_wish_list_97'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_97                ;
select 't_wish_list_98'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_98                ;
select 't_wish_list_99'                 ,count(*) from t_wish_list_99                ;
select 'tmp_rec_count'                  ,count(*) from tmp_rec_count                 ;
select 'tmp_rec_n_count'                ,count(*) from tmp_rec_n_count               ;

select * from auction_id_seq                ;
select * from clothes_id_seq                ;
select * from cx_serial_num_code_seq        ;
select * from cx_serial_num_item_code_seq   ;
select * from fishing_serial_id_seq         ;
select * from furniture_id_seq              ;
select * from pet_clothes_serial_id_seq     ;
select * from pet_serial_id_seq             ;
select * from present_id_seq                ;
select * from synthetic_history_id_seq      ;
select * from turi_item_trade_serial_id_seq ;
select * from user_voice_id_seq             ;
select * from voice_id_seq                  ;

(1103 rows)

'account_tmp'                    ,
'hoge'                           ,
'm_auction_lock_auction_id_seq'  ,
'm_auction_manage'               ,
'm_auction_not_use_clothes'      ,
'm_auction_not_use_furniture'    ,
'm_auction_not_use_pet_clothes'  ,
'm_cafesta_ticket'               ,
'm_closet_item_stop'             ,
'm_clothes'                      ,
'm_fortune_slip_item'            ,
'm_furniture'                    ,
'm_furniture_corner'             ,
'm_initial_clothes'              ,
'm_initial_clothes_easy'         ,
'm_initial_furniture'            ,
'm_initial_furniture_easy'       ,
'm_item_stop'                    ,
'm_mobile_shop_item'             ,
'm_mobile_shop_set'              ,
'm_pack'                         ,
'm_pack_item'                    ,
'm_pet_base'                     ,
'm_pet_item'                     ,
'm_premier_distribution_item'    ,
'm_regist_present_cloth'         ,
'm_set_sales'                    ,
'm_shop'                         ,
'm_shop_item'                    ,
'm_swap_stop'                    ,
'm_synthetic'                    ,
'm_synthetic_probability'        ,
'm_trade_item_manage'            ,
'm_trade_item_manage_bak'        ,
'm_turi_bait_parameter'          ,
'm_turi_item'                    ,
'm_turi_item_trade'              ,
'm_turi_rod_parameter'           ,
'm_voice'                        ,
't_auction_exhibit'              ,
't_auction_item'                 ,
't_auction_log_bidin'            ,
't_auction_log_cancel'           ,
't_auction_log_end'              ,
't_auction_log_exhibit'          ,
't_base_gacha'                   ,
't_base_item'                    ,
't_clothes_folder_0'             ,
't_clothes_folder_1'             ,
't_clothes_folder_10'            ,
't_clothes_folder_11'            ,
't_clothes_folder_12'            ,
't_clothes_folder_13'            ,
't_clothes_folder_14'            ,
't_clothes_folder_15'            ,
't_clothes_folder_16'            ,
't_clothes_folder_17'            ,
't_clothes_folder_18'            ,
't_clothes_folder_19'            ,
't_clothes_folder_2'             ,
't_clothes_folder_20'            ,
't_clothes_folder_21'            ,
't_clothes_folder_22'            ,
't_clothes_folder_23'            ,
't_clothes_folder_24'            ,
't_clothes_folder_25'            ,
't_clothes_folder_26'            ,
't_clothes_folder_27'            ,
't_clothes_folder_28'            ,
't_clothes_folder_29'            ,
't_clothes_folder_3'             ,
't_clothes_folder_30'            ,
't_clothes_folder_31'            ,
't_clothes_folder_32'            ,
't_clothes_folder_33'            ,
't_clothes_folder_34'            ,
't_clothes_folder_35'            ,
't_clothes_folder_36'            ,
't_clothes_folder_37'            ,
't_clothes_folder_38'            ,
't_clothes_folder_39'            ,
't_clothes_folder_4'             ,
't_clothes_folder_40'            ,
't_clothes_folder_41'            ,
't_clothes_folder_42'            ,
't_clothes_folder_43'            ,
't_clothes_folder_44'            ,
't_clothes_folder_45'            ,
't_clothes_folder_46'            ,
't_clothes_folder_47'            ,
't_clothes_folder_48'            ,
't_clothes_folder_49'            ,
't_clothes_folder_5'             ,
't_clothes_folder_50'            ,
't_clothes_folder_51'            ,
't_clothes_folder_52'            ,
't_clothes_folder_53'            ,
't_clothes_folder_54'            ,
't_clothes_folder_55'            ,
't_clothes_folder_56'            ,
't_clothes_folder_57'            ,
't_clothes_folder_58'            ,
't_clothes_folder_59'            ,
't_clothes_folder_6'             ,
't_clothes_folder_60'            ,
't_clothes_folder_61'            ,
't_clothes_folder_62'            ,
't_clothes_folder_63'            ,
't_clothes_folder_64'            ,
't_clothes_folder_65'            ,
't_clothes_folder_66'            ,
't_clothes_folder_67'            ,
't_clothes_folder_68'            ,
't_clothes_folder_69'            ,
't_clothes_folder_7'             ,
't_clothes_folder_70'            ,
't_clothes_folder_71'            ,
't_clothes_folder_72'            ,
't_clothes_folder_73'            ,
't_clothes_folder_74'            ,
't_clothes_folder_75'            ,
't_clothes_folder_76'            ,
't_clothes_folder_77'            ,
't_clothes_folder_78'            ,
't_clothes_folder_79'            ,
't_clothes_folder_8'             ,
't_clothes_folder_80'            ,
't_clothes_folder_81'            ,
't_clothes_folder_82'            ,
't_clothes_folder_83'            ,
't_clothes_folder_84'            ,
't_clothes_folder_85'            ,
't_clothes_folder_86'            ,
't_clothes_folder_87'            ,
't_clothes_folder_88'            ,
't_clothes_folder_89'            ,
't_clothes_folder_9'             ,
't_clothes_folder_90'            ,
't_clothes_folder_91'            ,
't_clothes_folder_92'            ,
't_clothes_folder_93'            ,
't_clothes_folder_94'            ,
't_clothes_folder_95'            ,
't_clothes_folder_96'            ,
't_clothes_folder_97'            ,
't_clothes_folder_98'            ,
't_clothes_folder_99'            ,
't_clothes_id_seq'               ,
't_clothes_own_0'                ,
't_clothes_own_1'                ,
't_clothes_own_10'               ,
't_clothes_own_11'               ,
't_clothes_own_12'               ,
't_clothes_own_13'               ,
't_clothes_own_14'               ,
't_clothes_own_15'               ,
't_clothes_own_16'               ,
't_clothes_own_17'               ,
't_clothes_own_18'               ,
't_clothes_own_19'               ,
't_clothes_own_2'                ,
't_clothes_own_20'               ,
't_clothes_own_21'               ,
't_clothes_own_22'               ,
't_clothes_own_23'               ,
't_clothes_own_24'               ,
't_clothes_own_25'               ,
't_clothes_own_26'               ,
't_clothes_own_27'               ,
't_clothes_own_28'               ,
't_clothes_own_29'               ,
't_clothes_own_3'                ,
't_clothes_own_30'               ,
't_clothes_own_31'               ,
't_clothes_own_32'               ,
't_clothes_own_33'               ,
't_clothes_own_34'               ,
't_clothes_own_35'               ,
't_clothes_own_36'               ,
't_clothes_own_37'               ,
't_clothes_own_38'               ,
't_clothes_own_39'               ,
't_clothes_own_4'                ,
't_clothes_own_40'               ,
't_clothes_own_41'               ,
't_clothes_own_42'               ,
't_clothes_own_43'               ,
't_clothes_own_44'               ,
't_clothes_own_45'               ,
't_clothes_own_46'               ,
't_clothes_own_47'               ,
't_clothes_own_48'               ,
't_clothes_own_49'               ,
't_clothes_own_5'                ,
't_clothes_own_50'               ,
't_clothes_own_51'               ,
't_clothes_own_52'               ,
't_clothes_own_53'               ,
't_clothes_own_54'               ,
't_clothes_own_55'               ,
't_clothes_own_56'               ,
't_clothes_own_57'               ,
't_clothes_own_58'               ,
't_clothes_own_59'               ,
't_clothes_own_6'                ,
't_clothes_own_60'               ,
't_clothes_own_61'               ,
't_clothes_own_62'               ,
't_clothes_own_63'               ,
't_clothes_own_64'               ,
't_clothes_own_65'               ,
't_clothes_own_66'               ,
't_clothes_own_67'               ,
't_clothes_own_68'               ,
't_clothes_own_69'               ,
't_clothes_own_7'                ,
't_clothes_own_70'               ,
't_clothes_own_71'               ,
't_clothes_own_72'               ,
't_clothes_own_73'               ,
't_clothes_own_74'               ,
't_clothes_own_75'               ,
't_clothes_own_76'               ,
't_clothes_own_77'               ,
't_clothes_own_78'               ,
't_clothes_own_79'               ,
't_clothes_own_8'                ,
't_clothes_own_80'               ,
't_clothes_own_81'               ,
't_clothes_own_82'               ,
't_clothes_own_83'               ,
't_clothes_own_84'               ,
't_clothes_own_85'               ,
't_clothes_own_86'               ,
't_clothes_own_87'               ,
't_clothes_own_88'               ,
't_clothes_own_89'               ,
't_clothes_own_9'                ,
't_clothes_own_90'               ,
't_clothes_own_91'               ,
't_clothes_own_92'               ,
't_clothes_own_93'               ,
't_clothes_own_94'               ,
't_clothes_own_95'               ,
't_clothes_own_96'               ,
't_clothes_own_97'               ,
't_clothes_own_98'               ,
't_clothes_own_99'               ,
't_clothes_own_history'          ,
't_create_user_inspection'       ,
't_cx_serial_num_code_seq'       ,
't_cx_serial_num_item_code_seq'  ,
't_equip'                        ,
't_fishing_serial_id_seq'        ,
't_furniture_id_seq'             ,
't_furniture_own_0'              ,
't_furniture_own_1'              ,
't_furniture_own_10'             ,
't_furniture_own_11'             ,
't_furniture_own_12'             ,
't_furniture_own_13'             ,
't_furniture_own_14'             ,
't_furniture_own_15'             ,
't_furniture_own_16'             ,
't_furniture_own_17'             ,
't_furniture_own_18'             ,
't_furniture_own_19'             ,
't_furniture_own_2'              ,
't_furniture_own_20'             ,
't_furniture_own_21'             ,
't_furniture_own_22'             ,
't_furniture_own_23'             ,
't_furniture_own_24'             ,
't_furniture_own_25'             ,
't_furniture_own_26'             ,
't_furniture_own_27'             ,
't_furniture_own_28'             ,
't_furniture_own_29'             ,
't_furniture_own_3'              ,
't_furniture_own_30'             ,
't_furniture_own_31'             ,
't_furniture_own_32'             ,
't_furniture_own_33'             ,
't_furniture_own_34'             ,
't_furniture_own_35'             ,
't_furniture_own_36'             ,
't_furniture_own_37'             ,
't_furniture_own_38'             ,
't_furniture_own_39'             ,
't_furniture_own_4'              ,
't_furniture_own_40'             ,
't_furniture_own_41'             ,
't_furniture_own_42'             ,
't_furniture_own_43'             ,
't_furniture_own_44'             ,
't_furniture_own_45'             ,
't_furniture_own_46'             ,
't_furniture_own_47'             ,
't_furniture_own_48'             ,
't_furniture_own_49'             ,
't_furniture_own_5'              ,
't_furniture_own_50'             ,
't_furniture_own_51'             ,
't_furniture_own_52'             ,
't_furniture_own_53'             ,
't_furniture_own_54'             ,
't_furniture_own_55'             ,
't_furniture_own_56'             ,
't_furniture_own_57'             ,
't_furniture_own_58'             ,
't_furniture_own_59'             ,
't_furniture_own_6'              ,
't_furniture_own_60'             ,
't_furniture_own_61'             ,
't_furniture_own_62'             ,
't_furniture_own_63'             ,
't_furniture_own_64'             ,
't_furniture_own_65'             ,
't_furniture_own_66'             ,
't_furniture_own_67'             ,
't_furniture_own_68'             ,
't_furniture_own_69'             ,
't_furniture_own_7'              ,
't_furniture_own_70'             ,
't_furniture_own_71'             ,
't_furniture_own_72'             ,
't_furniture_own_73'             ,
't_furniture_own_74'             ,
't_furniture_own_75'             ,
't_furniture_own_76'             ,
't_furniture_own_77'             ,
't_furniture_own_78'             ,
't_furniture_own_79'             ,
't_furniture_own_8'              ,
't_furniture_own_80'             ,
't_furniture_own_81'             ,
't_furniture_own_82'             ,
't_furniture_own_83'             ,
't_furniture_own_84'             ,
't_furniture_own_85'             ,
't_furniture_own_86'             ,
't_furniture_own_87'             ,
't_furniture_own_88'             ,
't_furniture_own_89'             ,
't_furniture_own_9'              ,
't_furniture_own_90'             ,
't_furniture_own_91'             ,
't_furniture_own_92'             ,
't_furniture_own_93'             ,
't_furniture_own_94'             ,
't_furniture_own_95'             ,
't_furniture_own_96'             ,
't_furniture_own_97'             ,
't_furniture_own_98'             ,
't_furniture_own_99'             ,
't_furniture_own_history'        ,
't_furniture_own_xml'            ,
't_item_own_0'                   ,
't_item_own_1'                   ,
't_item_own_10'                  ,
't_item_own_11'                  ,
't_item_own_12'                  ,
't_item_own_13'                  ,
't_item_own_14'                  ,
't_item_own_15'                  ,
't_item_own_16'                  ,
't_item_own_17'                  ,
't_item_own_18'                  ,
't_item_own_19'                  ,
't_item_own_2'                   ,
't_item_own_20'                  ,
't_item_own_21'                  ,
't_item_own_22'                  ,
't_item_own_23'                  ,
't_item_own_24'                  ,
't_item_own_25'                  ,
't_item_own_26'                  ,
't_item_own_27'                  ,
't_item_own_28'                  ,
't_item_own_29'                  ,
't_item_own_3'                   ,
't_item_own_30'                  ,
't_item_own_31'                  ,
't_item_own_32'                  ,
't_item_own_33'                  ,
't_item_own_34'                  ,
't_item_own_35'                  ,
't_item_own_36'                  ,
't_item_own_37'                  ,
't_item_own_38'                  ,
't_item_own_39'                  ,
't_item_own_4'                   ,
't_item_own_40'                  ,
't_item_own_41'                  ,
't_item_own_42'                  ,
't_item_own_43'                  ,
't_item_own_44'                  ,
't_item_own_45'                  ,
't_item_own_46'                  ,
't_item_own_47'                  ,
't_item_own_48'                  ,
't_item_own_49'                  ,
't_item_own_5'                   ,
't_item_own_50'                  ,
't_item_own_51'                  ,
't_item_own_52'                  ,
't_item_own_53'                  ,
't_item_own_54'                  ,
't_item_own_55'                  ,
't_item_own_56'                  ,
't_item_own_57'                  ,
't_item_own_58'                  ,
't_item_own_59'                  ,
't_item_own_6'                   ,
't_item_own_60'                  ,
't_item_own_61'                  ,
't_item_own_62'                  ,
't_item_own_63'                  ,
't_item_own_64'                  ,
't_item_own_65'                  ,
't_item_own_66'                  ,
't_item_own_67'                  ,
't_item_own_68'                  ,
't_item_own_69'                  ,
't_item_own_7'                   ,
't_item_own_70'                  ,
't_item_own_71'                  ,
't_item_own_72'                  ,
't_item_own_73'                  ,
't_item_own_74'                  ,
't_item_own_75'                  ,
't_item_own_76'                  ,
't_item_own_77'                  ,
't_item_own_78'                  ,
't_item_own_79'                  ,
't_item_own_8'                   ,
't_item_own_80'                  ,
't_item_own_81'                  ,
't_item_own_82'                  ,
't_item_own_83'                  ,
't_item_own_84'                  ,
't_item_own_85'                  ,
't_item_own_86'                  ,
't_item_own_87'                  ,
't_item_own_88'                  ,
't_item_own_89'                  ,
't_item_own_9'                   ,
't_item_own_90'                  ,
't_item_own_91'                  ,
't_item_own_92'                  ,
't_item_own_93'                  ,
't_item_own_94'                  ,
't_item_own_95'                  ,
't_item_own_96'                  ,
't_item_own_97'                  ,
't_item_own_98'                  ,
't_item_own_99'                  ,
't_item_own_history'             ,
't_pack_history'                 ,
't_pet_clothes_own'              ,
't_pet_clothes_serial_id_seq'    ,
't_pet_furniture_own'            ,
't_pet_item_own'                 ,
't_pet_monthly_status'           ,
't_pet_own'                      ,
't_pet_own_xml'                  ,
't_pet_serial_id_seq'            ,
't_pet_week_status'              ,
't_present_id_seq'               ,
't_present_receive_list_0'       ,
't_present_receive_list_1'       ,
't_present_receive_list_10'      ,
't_present_receive_list_11'      ,
't_present_receive_list_12'      ,
't_present_receive_list_13'      ,
't_present_receive_list_14'      ,
't_present_receive_list_15'      ,
't_present_receive_list_16'      ,
't_present_receive_list_17'      ,
't_present_receive_list_18'      ,
't_present_receive_list_19'      ,
't_present_receive_list_2'       ,
't_present_receive_list_20'      ,
't_present_receive_list_21'      ,
't_present_receive_list_22'      ,
't_present_receive_list_23'      ,
't_present_receive_list_24'      ,
't_present_receive_list_25'      ,
't_present_receive_list_26'      ,
't_present_receive_list_27'      ,
't_present_receive_list_28'      ,
't_present_receive_list_29'      ,
't_present_receive_list_3'       ,
't_present_receive_list_30'      ,
't_present_receive_list_31'      ,
't_present_receive_list_32'      ,
't_present_receive_list_33'      ,
't_present_receive_list_34'      ,
't_present_receive_list_35'      ,
't_present_receive_list_36'      ,
't_present_receive_list_37'      ,
't_present_receive_list_38'      ,
't_present_receive_list_39'      ,
't_present_receive_list_4'       ,
't_present_receive_list_40'      ,
't_present_receive_list_41'      ,
't_present_receive_list_42'      ,
't_present_receive_list_43'      ,
't_present_receive_list_44'      ,
't_present_receive_list_45'      ,
't_present_receive_list_46'      ,
't_present_receive_list_47'      ,
't_present_receive_list_48'      ,
't_present_receive_list_49'      ,
't_present_receive_list_5'       ,
't_present_receive_list_50'      ,
't_present_receive_list_51'      ,
't_present_receive_list_52'      ,
't_present_receive_list_53'      ,
't_present_receive_list_54'      ,
't_present_receive_list_55'      ,
't_present_receive_list_56'      ,
't_present_receive_list_57'      ,
't_present_receive_list_58'      ,
't_present_receive_list_59'      ,
't_present_receive_list_6'       ,
't_present_receive_list_60'      ,
't_present_receive_list_61'      ,
't_present_receive_list_62'      ,
't_present_receive_list_63'      ,
't_present_receive_list_64'      ,
't_present_receive_list_65'      ,
't_present_receive_list_66'      ,
't_present_receive_list_67'      ,
't_present_receive_list_68'      ,
't_present_receive_list_69'      ,
't_present_receive_list_7'       ,
't_present_receive_list_70'      ,
't_present_receive_list_71'      ,
't_present_receive_list_72'      ,
't_present_receive_list_73'      ,
't_present_receive_list_74'      ,
't_present_receive_list_75'      ,
't_present_receive_list_76'      ,
't_present_receive_list_77'      ,
't_present_receive_list_78'      ,
't_present_receive_list_79'      ,
't_present_receive_list_8'       ,
't_present_receive_list_80'      ,
't_present_receive_list_81'      ,
't_present_receive_list_82'      ,
't_present_receive_list_83'      ,
't_present_receive_list_84'      ,
't_present_receive_list_85'      ,
't_present_receive_list_86'      ,
't_present_receive_list_87'      ,
't_present_receive_list_88'      ,
't_present_receive_list_89'      ,
't_present_receive_list_9'       ,
't_present_receive_list_90'      ,
't_present_receive_list_91'      ,
't_present_receive_list_92'      ,
't_present_receive_list_93'      ,
't_present_receive_list_94'      ,
't_present_receive_list_95'      ,
't_present_receive_list_96'      ,
't_present_receive_list_97'      ,
't_present_receive_list_98'      ,
't_present_receive_list_99'      ,
't_present_send_list_0'          ,
't_present_send_list_1'          ,
't_present_send_list_10'         ,
't_present_send_list_11'         ,
't_present_send_list_12'         ,
't_present_send_list_13'         ,
't_present_send_list_14'         ,
't_present_send_list_15'         ,
't_present_send_list_16'         ,
't_present_send_list_17'         ,
't_present_send_list_18'         ,
't_present_send_list_19'         ,
't_present_send_list_2'          ,
't_present_send_list_20'         ,
't_present_send_list_21'         ,
't_present_send_list_22'         ,
't_present_send_list_23'         ,
't_present_send_list_24'         ,
't_present_send_list_25'         ,
't_present_send_list_26'         ,
't_present_send_list_27'         ,
't_present_send_list_28'         ,
't_present_send_list_29'         ,
't_present_send_list_3'          ,
't_present_send_list_30'         ,
't_present_send_list_31'         ,
't_present_send_list_32'         ,
't_present_send_list_33'         ,
't_present_send_list_34'         ,
't_present_send_list_35'         ,
't_present_send_list_36'         ,
't_present_send_list_37'         ,
't_present_send_list_38'         ,
't_present_send_list_39'         ,
't_present_send_list_4'          ,
't_present_send_list_40'         ,
't_present_send_list_41'         ,
't_present_send_list_42'         ,
't_present_send_list_43'         ,
't_present_send_list_44'         ,
't_present_send_list_45'         ,
't_present_send_list_46'         ,
't_present_send_list_47'         ,
't_present_send_list_48'         ,
't_present_send_list_49'         ,
't_present_send_list_5'          ,
't_present_send_list_50'         ,
't_present_send_list_51'         ,
't_present_send_list_52'         ,
't_present_send_list_53'         ,
't_present_send_list_54'         ,
't_present_send_list_55'         ,
't_present_send_list_56'         ,
't_present_send_list_57'         ,
't_present_send_list_58'         ,
't_present_send_list_59'         ,
't_present_send_list_6'          ,
't_present_send_list_60'         ,
't_present_send_list_61'         ,
't_present_send_list_62'         ,
't_present_send_list_63'         ,
't_present_send_list_64'         ,
't_present_send_list_65'         ,
't_present_send_list_66'         ,
't_present_send_list_67'         ,
't_present_send_list_68'         ,
't_present_send_list_69'         ,
't_present_send_list_7'          ,
't_present_send_list_70'         ,
't_present_send_list_71'         ,
't_present_send_list_72'         ,
't_present_send_list_73'         ,
't_present_send_list_74'         ,
't_present_send_list_75'         ,
't_present_send_list_76'         ,
't_present_send_list_77'         ,
't_present_send_list_78'         ,
't_present_send_list_79'         ,
't_present_send_list_8'          ,
't_present_send_list_80'         ,
't_present_send_list_81'         ,
't_present_send_list_82'         ,
't_present_send_list_83'         ,
't_present_send_list_84'         ,
't_present_send_list_85'         ,
't_present_send_list_86'         ,
't_present_send_list_87'         ,
't_present_send_list_88'         ,
't_present_send_list_89'         ,
't_present_send_list_9'          ,
't_present_send_list_90'         ,
't_present_send_list_91'         ,
't_present_send_list_92'         ,
't_present_send_list_93'         ,
't_present_send_list_94'         ,
't_present_send_list_95'         ,
't_present_send_list_96'         ,
't_present_send_list_97'         ,
't_present_send_list_98'         ,
't_present_send_list_99'         ,
't_sales_cloth_history'          ,
't_sales_furniture_history'      ,
't_sales_item_history'           ,
't_selling_furniture_ranking'    ,
't_selling_item_ranking'         ,
't_selling_selpit_ranking'       ,
't_shop_purchase_num'            ,
't_synthetic_history'            ,
't_synthetic_history_id_seq'     ,
't_synthetic_result'             ,
't_temp_gacha_clothes'           ,
't_temp_three_login'             ,
't_test_account'                 ,
't_turi_item_own'                ,
't_user_create_clothes'          ,
't_user_voice_0'                 ,
't_user_voice_1'                 ,
't_user_voice_10'                ,
't_user_voice_11'                ,
't_user_voice_12'                ,
't_user_voice_13'                ,
't_user_voice_14'                ,
't_user_voice_15'                ,
't_user_voice_16'                ,
't_user_voice_17'                ,
't_user_voice_18'                ,
't_user_voice_19'                ,
't_user_voice_2'                 ,
't_user_voice_20'                ,
't_user_voice_21'                ,
't_user_voice_22'                ,
't_user_voice_23'                ,
't_user_voice_24'                ,
't_user_voice_25'                ,
't_user_voice_26'                ,
't_user_voice_27'                ,
't_user_voice_28'                ,
't_user_voice_29'                ,
't_user_voice_3'                 ,
't_user_voice_30'                ,
't_user_voice_31'                ,
't_user_voice_32'                ,
't_user_voice_33'                ,
't_user_voice_34'                ,
't_user_voice_35'                ,
't_user_voice_36'                ,
't_user_voice_37'                ,
't_user_voice_38'                ,
't_user_voice_39'                ,
't_user_voice_4'                 ,
't_user_voice_40'                ,
't_user_voice_41'                ,
't_user_voice_42'                ,
't_user_voice_43'                ,
't_user_voice_44'                ,
't_user_voice_45'                ,
't_user_voice_46'                ,
't_user_voice_47'                ,
't_user_voice_48'                ,
't_user_voice_49'                ,
't_user_voice_5'                 ,
't_user_voice_50'                ,
't_user_voice_51'                ,
't_user_voice_52'                ,
't_user_voice_53'                ,
't_user_voice_54'                ,
't_user_voice_55'                ,
't_user_voice_56'                ,
't_user_voice_57'                ,
't_user_voice_58'                ,
't_user_voice_59'                ,
't_user_voice_6'                 ,
't_user_voice_60'                ,
't_user_voice_61'                ,
't_user_voice_62'                ,
't_user_voice_63'                ,
't_user_voice_64'                ,
't_user_voice_65'                ,
't_user_voice_66'                ,
't_user_voice_67'                ,
't_user_voice_68'                ,
't_user_voice_69'                ,
't_user_voice_7'                 ,
't_user_voice_70'                ,
't_user_voice_71'                ,
't_user_voice_72'                ,
't_user_voice_73'                ,
't_user_voice_74'                ,
't_user_voice_75'                ,
't_user_voice_76'                ,
't_user_voice_77'                ,
't_user_voice_78'                ,
't_user_voice_79'                ,
't_user_voice_8'                 ,
't_user_voice_80'                ,
't_user_voice_81'                ,
't_user_voice_82'                ,
't_user_voice_83'                ,
't_user_voice_84'                ,
't_user_voice_85'                ,
't_user_voice_86'                ,
't_user_voice_87'                ,
't_user_voice_88'                ,
't_user_voice_89'                ,
't_user_voice_9'                 ,
't_user_voice_90'                ,
't_user_voice_91'                ,
't_user_voice_92'                ,
't_user_voice_93'                ,
't_user_voice_94'                ,
't_user_voice_95'                ,
't_user_voice_96'                ,
't_user_voice_97'                ,
't_user_voice_98'                ,
't_user_voice_99'                ,
't_user_voice_combine_0'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_1'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_10'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_11'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_12'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_13'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_14'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_15'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_16'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_17'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_18'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_19'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_2'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_20'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_21'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_22'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_23'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_24'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_25'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_26'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_27'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_28'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_29'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_3'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_30'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_31'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_32'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_33'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_34'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_35'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_36'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_37'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_38'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_39'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_4'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_40'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_41'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_42'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_43'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_44'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_45'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_46'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_47'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_48'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_49'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_5'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_50'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_51'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_52'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_53'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_54'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_55'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_56'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_57'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_58'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_59'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_6'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_60'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_61'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_62'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_63'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_64'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_65'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_66'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_67'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_68'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_69'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_7'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_70'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_71'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_72'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_73'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_74'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_75'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_76'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_77'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_78'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_79'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_8'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_80'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_81'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_82'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_83'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_84'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_85'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_86'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_87'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_88'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_89'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_9'         ,
't_user_voice_combine_90'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_91'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_92'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_93'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_94'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_95'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_96'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_97'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_98'        ,
't_user_voice_combine_99'        ,
't_user_voice_id_seq'            ,
't_voice_find_offender'          ,
't_voice_id_seq'                 ,
't_voice_own_0'                  ,
't_voice_own_1'                  ,
't_voice_own_10'                 ,
't_voice_own_11'                 ,
't_voice_own_12'                 ,
't_voice_own_13'                 ,
't_voice_own_14'                 ,
't_voice_own_15'                 ,
't_voice_own_16'                 ,
't_voice_own_17'                 ,
't_voice_own_18'                 ,
't_voice_own_19'                 ,
't_voice_own_2'                  ,
't_voice_own_20'                 ,
't_voice_own_21'                 ,
't_voice_own_22'                 ,
't_voice_own_23'                 ,
't_voice_own_24'                 ,
't_voice_own_25'                 ,
't_voice_own_26'                 ,
't_voice_own_27'                 ,
't_voice_own_28'                 ,
't_voice_own_29'                 ,
't_voice_own_3'                  ,
't_voice_own_30'                 ,
't_voice_own_31'                 ,
't_voice_own_32'                 ,
't_voice_own_33'                 ,
't_voice_own_34'                 ,
't_voice_own_35'                 ,
't_voice_own_36'                 ,
't_voice_own_37'                 ,
't_voice_own_38'                 ,
't_voice_own_39'                 ,
't_voice_own_4'                  ,
't_voice_own_40'                 ,
't_voice_own_41'                 ,
't_voice_own_42'                 ,
't_voice_own_43'                 ,
't_voice_own_44'                 ,
't_voice_own_45'                 ,
't_voice_own_46'                 ,
't_voice_own_47'                 ,
't_voice_own_48'                 ,
't_voice_own_49'                 ,
't_voice_own_5'                  ,
't_voice_own_50'                 ,
't_voice_own_51'                 ,
't_voice_own_52'                 ,
't_voice_own_53'                 ,
't_voice_own_54'                 ,
't_voice_own_55'                 ,
't_voice_own_56'                 ,
't_voice_own_57'                 ,
't_voice_own_58'                 ,
't_voice_own_59'                 ,
't_voice_own_6'                  ,
't_voice_own_60'                 ,
't_voice_own_61'                 ,
't_voice_own_62'                 ,
't_voice_own_63'                 ,
't_voice_own_64'                 ,
't_voice_own_65'                 ,
't_voice_own_66'                 ,
't_voice_own_67'                 ,
't_voice_own_68'                 ,
't_voice_own_69'                 ,
't_voice_own_7'                  ,
't_voice_own_70'                 ,
't_voice_own_71'                 ,
't_voice_own_72'                 ,
't_voice_own_73'                 ,
't_voice_own_74'                 ,
't_voice_own_75'                 ,
't_voice_own_76'                 ,
't_voice_own_77'                 ,
't_voice_own_78'                 ,
't_voice_own_79'                 ,
't_voice_own_8'                  ,
't_voice_own_80'                 ,
't_voice_own_81'                 ,
't_voice_own_82'                 ,
't_voice_own_83'                 ,
't_voice_own_84'                 ,
't_voice_own_85'                 ,
't_voice_own_86'                 ,
't_voice_own_87'                 ,
't_voice_own_88'                 ,
't_voice_own_89'                 ,
't_voice_own_9'                  ,
't_voice_own_90'                 ,
't_voice_own_91'                 ,
't_voice_own_92'                 ,
't_voice_own_93'                 ,
't_voice_own_94'                 ,
't_voice_own_95'                 ,
't_voice_own_96'                 ,
't_voice_own_97'                 ,
't_voice_own_98'                 ,
't_voice_own_99'                 ,
't_wish_list_0'                  ,
't_wish_list_1'                  ,
't_wish_list_10'                 ,
't_wish_list_11'                 ,
't_wish_list_12'                 ,
't_wish_list_13'                 ,
't_wish_list_14'                 ,
't_wish_list_15'                 ,
't_wish_list_16'                 ,
't_wish_list_17'                 ,
't_wish_list_18'                 ,
't_wish_list_19'                 ,
't_wish_list_2'                  ,
't_wish_list_20'                 ,
't_wish_list_21'                 ,
't_wish_list_22'                 ,
't_wish_list_23'                 ,
't_wish_list_24'                 ,
't_wish_list_25'                 ,
't_wish_list_26'                 ,
't_wish_list_27'                 ,
't_wish_list_28'                 ,
't_wish_list_29'                 ,
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2010-11-16 11:55:02.367 JST [][4ce1f213.630e][0]ERROR:  operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone >= character varying at character 248
2010-11-16 11:55:02.367 JST [][4ce1f213.630e][0]HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). Youmight need to add explicit type casts.



    58181 |            4979272 |          4862611 |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:35:01.986 | 2010-11-16 07:35:01.986

    58199 |            4942675 |                  |          1 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:45:01.788
    58212 |            5114281 |                  |          1 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:45:01.793
    58220 |            6235561 |                  |          1 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.687
    58231 |            5114281 |          5108178 |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692

trade_id | exhibit_account_id | bidin_account_id | trade_type |      tender_time_d      |      bidin_time_d       |  trade_success_time_d   |      renew_time_d
    58181 |            4979272 |          4862611 |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:34:20.985 | 2010-11-30 07:34:20.985 | 2010-11-16 07:35:01.986 | 2010-11-16 07:35:01.986
    58199 |            4942675 |                  |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:40:54.476 | 2010-11-30 07:40:54.476 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:45:01.788
    58212 |            5114281 |                  |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:44:55.487 | 2010-11-30 07:44:55.487 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:45:01.793
    58220 |            6235561 |                  |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:46:10.453 | 2010-11-30 07:46:10.453 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.687
    58231 |            5114281 |          5108178 |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:48:29.831 | 2010-11-30 07:48:29.831 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692

    58181 |            4979272 |          4862611 |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:34:20.985 | 2010-11-30 07:34:20.985 | 2010-11-16 07:35:01.986 | 2010-11-16 07:35:01.986
    58199 |            4942675 |                  |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:40:54.476 | 2010-11-30 07:40:54.476 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:45:01.788
    58212 |            5114281 |                  |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:44:55.487 | 2010-11-30 07:44:55.487 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:45:01.793
    58220 |            6235561 |                  |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:46:10.453 | 2010-11-30 07:46:10.453 |                         | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.687
    58231 |            5114281 |          5108178 |          1 | 2010-11-16 07:48:29.831 | 2010-11-30 07:48:29.831 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692

    5114281 |          136577 |    58231 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692 |            1 |          0 |             3 |        0 |             1200 |                 9739 |                 0 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692
    5114281 |          136578 |    58231 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692 |            1 |          0 |             3 |        0 |             -120 |                 9619 |                 0 | 2010-11-16 07:50:01.692

2010-11-16 07:50:01.697 |    5114281 | 149470923 |   10396956 |        2 |      9 |        5108178 |     149470923 |
2010-11-16 07:50:02.935 |    5108178 | 149470923 |   10396956 |        1 |      9 |        5114281 |     149470923 |    58231
2010-11-16 09:26:50.939 |    5187358 | 149811775 |   10433816 |        1 |     16 |                |               |
2010-11-16 09:26:51.234 |    5187358 | 149811776 |   10476501 |        1 |     25 |                |               |

<Location /atgames>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from
    Deny from
    Deny from
    Deny from
    Allow from All
<Location /itemtrade/>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from
    Deny from
    Deny from
    Deny from
    Allow from All


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